In the Word


Pain comes and days draw nigh as I birr to my fortress. My keep, a sanctuary of stability, reminds me life is vaster than misery. It makes naught the storm or season for I am steadfast. Roots, tendrils, sweep deep drinking rivers of fresh waters. Gales rip at unripe fruit; I surrender not a leaf.

Visiting my massive maple tree which sits atop our highest kettled hill brings comfort. Below a marshy pond houses many critters. With late months of winter arriving, the marsh and tree come alive with song of birds. The sun warms cold flesh and I am refreshed. Not only now, but during my times of struggle I revisit this image and am reminded, as a child of God, I am firmly planted and can stand firm because I’m not alone.

steeple soaring sky,

ebony silhouette show;

my soul now aglow!

Inspired from Psalm One and encouraged by dVerse to the marriage of verse and artwork on Haibun Monday I present In the Word. It is said we are what we eat, but I wonder if what we read shapes who we are?


  1. Mish says:

    “Roots, tendrils, sweep deep drinking rivers of fresh waters. Gales rip at unripe fruit; I surrender not a leaf.”
    This could stand alone. We are what we read….a good thought indeed.


  2. Bev says:

    I think we are what we believe ourselves to be. Loved your prose and perfect haiku!


  3. Grace says:

    Lovely reflections for the day (and night) ~ What a lush painting of the sky ~


  4. Lovely image and sentiments to accompany it.


  5. I think with a sky like that you cannot fail to feel hope despite the winter.


  6. frankhubeny says:

    Nice optimistic haibun in the face of whatever winters one encounters.I could almost see the “steeple” in the photo.


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