Monday’s: Woolly Bear

But we all, with unveiled faces, looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from gloryto glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

II Corinthians 3:18

Woolly bear caterpillars, also called woolly worms, have a reputation for being able to forecast the coming winter weather; as legend has expressed. If the rusty band is wide, then it will be a mild winter. The more black there is, the more severe the winter. Can this weather lore be true? Or is it more realistic to believe there are greater changes?

After years of testing this theory, the results showed evidence that the coloration of the woolly bear did give a weather prediction. However, be careful for not all woolly bears enjoy this talent. Evidently, totally black woolly bears are not weather projectors.

If that is true, the woolly bear in my photo can tell us nothing so breath easy. Hopefully, a rough winter us not upon us! Yet, he was a charming find climbing five feet in the air on my elderberry bush.

Totally black woolly bears are just another species in the same category as the rust and black ones. Woolly bears hatch twice a year, usually June and September. The second generation of caterpillars are the “weather prophets,” according to specialists.

These critters enjoy violets, lambs quarter (different from lamb’s ear), and clover. Their goal in life is to find a place to hide for the winter. Woolly bears spend the winter as larva. Then in the month of May, they emerge as the Isabella moth. The fuzzy, brittle bug now takes on the shape of a fragile, delicate moth. Their transformation has been completed.

If those who are followers of Jesus and come before the throne of God daily with opened minds (unveiled faces) to receive the hope of the gospel (our salvation); then another transformation (final glorification) will one day take place in our lives. Unlike the woolly bear, it will take more than a season before a complete spiritual change happens. It takes a lifetime of exploring the Word of God.

Hide your heart in God who continues to transform us daily, if we’re willing, until our final day of glorification in heaven. The day when those who have accepted Jesus’ great sacrifice will join Him for eternity. Read His Word.

1 Comment

  1. Amen. Wonderful thoughts and interesting information about the woolly bear caterpillars. THe other day we were having a birthday party for my daughter and there was one on the porch. My daughter said I stepped on it on my way in. I don’t know if I did but I said everyone else would when they came in and out so there I was, before the party, lifting this little caterpillar off the porch and putting it in the grass so it didn’t die.

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