May Newsletter: Patti Wolf, Scribbling Spiritual Sand



If I could paint a landscape of spring,
to reveal the magic it can truly bring,
it would be of forsythia’s brilliant show
where yellow blooms abundantly grow!
Of a carpet of green after months of tan;
cool, curly blades of grass, budding leaf,
and new flower bulbs deep in dirty sand.
Warmth in the fresh air as if to know
its lifeblood helps makes all things flow.
A-flight of flocks of birds which sing,
soar skies; oversees them as does a king.

If I could capture the blessings of spring,
of a life lived in Christ and what it brings;
it could take weeks or years to show,
it would be glorious with fruits that grow,
it would reflect on Jesus Christ the man,
it would not be freed from trials or grief,
though it is difficult to understand or know.
There’s a godly peace that comes to flow;
even in sorrow one can hope and sing
praises to our returning Creator and King!

P. Wolf


Desert wind howls like a lost pup,
sands of time fall like spring rain as
my soul hungers for renewal, eagerly.

Dryness is good in the season of
floods where earth is too saturated
and foundations begin to crumble.

Damp garment hang in warm breeze
flapping, fluttering, flirting in the wind,
but the soul should not be tossed about.

Delightful it is to sip a glass of hope
as a season of abundance arrives;
this is what it is like reading the Word.

P. Wolf


“In the mountain of the height of Israel will I plant it: and it shall bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a goodly cedar: and under it shall dwell all fowl of every wing; in the shadow of the branches thereof shall they dwell.” Ezekiel 17:23

Wind whistles through stately pines,
as a red-tailed hawk cautiously soars
spring gusts, blowing from south winds.

Whistles a distance train trailing country
rickety roads bound on southern paths;
as spring peepers day-in-and-out whistle.

Pines sway, swing, sweep; perched hawk
rest for a minuscule moment mesmerized
by shadow dancing in solemn, stately pines.

As wild wind whistles through pines,
the mountain in Israel will bring forth
the throne of the anointed Son of God.

(One day, maybe soon.)

P. Wolf

Author Update

Here is a peek into my upcoming book, “Fearless, Fervent, Flourishing Faith”.

“In between years of homeschooling and feeling homelessness I found a deeper purpose for my life. I wasn’t literally without a home, but my flourishing home was empty. I didn’t get it. For years I had prayed regarding the up and coming years of “empty nest”. Yet, my nasty nesting materials were poking the life out of me.

I was lost and lonely. I had no purpose anymore. My husband was still employed and my children were on their way of making lives for themselves. For me, I was the rotten egg left in the woody nest with no one to incubate my stillborn life.”

Each of us have moments like I had where our faith is attacked. May I encourage you to look to God for direction. He has purpose for us through changing seasons.

Author news update:

I just started creating “Fearless, Fervent, Flourishing Faith”. I’m excited about writing a non-fiction book. Let see where God takes me as I share my spiritual journey.

For now, I travel an editing path. I will be working on the first book in my new children’s series “Teddy’s Tales, A Visit With the King”. This book is targeted towards ages 6-10. It’s a story of a dog and a boy who learn character building traits from the beloved King David.

“Beatrice” is touching the lives of readers. Reviews are slow. I found out from many people that they are uncomfortable leaving a book review or just don’t have the time. Authors appreciate input from their readers.

My first book released earlier this year “Abigail’s 40 Days” is feeling a bit lonely on the book shelf. It is such a wonderful story of a life transformed during moments of grief. Abigail finds herself walking with Jesus’ disciples who are on an exciting journey in search of their risen Savior. Will Abigail leave her sorrowful mission to seek true hope?

Enjoy the unveiling of spring. Have a great month.

April Newsletter Scribbling Spiritual Sand

Christian Author Patti Wolf here to share a bit about what’s happening in my world.
My First Children’s Series

In a few days, it will be 3 years since I published the first book of the series “Alexis Ann’s Amazing Adventures”! Happy Birthday “Stormy Seas”.

Alexis Ann’s Amazing Adventures

Most of you aren’t reading books for children anymore, but you may have a child, grandchild, niece, nephew or a neighborhood child who would be perfect for this my early reader series “Alexis Ann’s Amazing Adventures”!

Here’s a self-interview:

How did “Alexis Ann’s Amazing Adventures” happen?

I had just finished my adult debut book, “Jemi’s Noble Quest “, and my 9 year old granddaughter wanted to read it. Since she was a little too young for my new book I told her I would write a series with her as the main character. Isn’t that what an author who is a Nana would do?

What are the stories about?

Each of the three books have a different biblical theme and character quality which I tried to instill into the reader’s lives. There’s a lot of dramatic play. Kids love that. I included lessons from the Bible shared by Alexis to her younger brother, Ollie, and you. More to come about each book later this week.

Why write Christian Women’s Fiction and Christian based children’s books?

Well, it takes a lot for an author to create a book, even more for an indie author (self published). I just needed a breather between writing styles so I mixed up my audiences. I’ve worked with children for over 40 years and have a teacher’s heart. I hope to help them in their life journey and draw them to Jesus.

What’s next in my children’s world of books?

I just finished the first book in my new series “Teddy’s Tails”. We won’t meet Alexis, but will fall in love with an adorable dog. This series is also an early reader and best for children under 10. I expect it to be released this summer.

Also, Alexis will return in a four book series as a super sleuth! She will be much older, but her passion to live her faith will shine through each story. Since I’m new to writing a mystery, I would appreciate your prayers.

As a writer, I want to stretch my abilities despite my age. I just turned 70! Wow, that went fast. Come back to hear more about each Alexis Ann book!

Teddy’s Tales Children’s Series

Pondering Poetry

As promised, I will continue sharing my writing process this week. Today, I’d like to focus on poetry.

Poetry is an expression of emotions regarding the world around the writer. It can be inspired during joyful times or times of loss. As an artist paints a picture with a brush, a poet uses a toolbox filled with words to paint a different type of picture in the minds of their readers. Poetry can be free flowing or very structured. Though there are rules, a poet has the freedom of expression as they see the world.

Book One of Scribbling Spiritual Sand was released last autumn. My book “Nature Poetry” is written to reflect the created world. This book is a collection of my recent poems. It follows through the four seasons here in Wisconsin. Each poems strives to also bring encouragement from the Bible with a thoughtful verse.

Poetry comes to me at many times of the day, but usually while I’m in nature. The changing of seasons, a sunset in winter or critters in the woodland all help for words to emerge. I love to expand my vocabulary and find it fun working in rhythms. Poetry is a weekly exercise for me. I also love finding scripture to work with my poetry.

Below is an example of a photograph which inspires my poetic writing.


The owl’s hoot draws loooong,
it fills chilled air with skillful song;
for the hands of time are strong
under darkness, nothing’s wrong.

His music drifts drowsily in morning air,
sleepy eyes blink without a single care;
new notes linger long with fussy flare.
Now two, a handsome feathered pair.

Day’s arrived, advanced along its way,
morning breeze stirs trees to sway,
forest friends awake, it’s time to play
for no longer it the owl a threat, it’s day.

as thoughts of day fill restless mind
ponder ways to sacrifice, seek to find
ways to hinder what you want; bind
your desires and ambitions to be kind.

Spring in my backyard:

Still there’s a slice of ice
encasing the marsh as glass;
stiff, sharp becomes a screen
protecting you from prey.
Visions of rich, dense duck weed
and brown, earthy tuffs of
marsh grass huddle
waiting for cloudless sky.
But morning chill tells
another story of early spring.

Buried deep you rest. While scent
of spring plays a game of
hide and seek; you find no
aroma of wild rose only unscented
seeds from brown, barefaced
bundled of reeds and cat-tails
spinning, dancing atop silvery
layer of ice; your roof-top sky light.
Your throaty call echoes beneath;
stiff in the icy entrapment.

Yet, this is your woodland nest
here life and death linger in stiff pools
of decaying waters with microscopic
bacteria; so minuscule even your bulgy
protruding eyes unable to find them.
Your passion overriding all, your
mission drives you forward as your
need to seek a mate becomes all;
this is why you were created and it
consumes your very existence.

A warning, when the ice melts
cranes and geese are waiting
to have you as a tasty meal.
Sing quickly, call out rhythmic
chips, chatter and chants;
for somewhere she waits past
all still danger to dance awhile as
it has been written in the book
of “Spring Peepers Logs of Love”;
for now the image in ice is only you!

“These all wait for You, You may give them their food in due season. You give them they gather in; You open Your hand, they are filled with good. You hide Your face, they are troubled; You take away their breath, they die and return to their dust.” Psalm 104:27-29

Spring’s Night Call

Calling, calling chirps and whistles
muffled in weeds, muffled in messy mud
in stillness of night under a cloudless sky;
sneaks passed a sly scarlet fox fixed on
his next prey loitering under empty trees;
hooty owl now speechless staring down
thoughtlessly, drowsily as head bobs
against prickly pine in still of murky night.

A single voice echos in kettled March marsh,
knowing a choir of spring peepers will come
to add vibrate voices in a springtime victory

P. Wolf

May we be vibrant for the Lord,

“The voice of the Lord is over the waters;
The God of glory thunders;
The Lord is over many waters.
The voice of the Lord is powerful;
The voice of the Lord is full of majesty
Psalm 29:3-4

Update on Apron Strings Series

Our first four book lineup for “Apron Strings”!

Book three, “Priscilla”, came out in March. Here is my review: “Many might not be able to relate to growing up on a farm. In the story of Priscilla we experience the struggle of a farming family. A lot hasn’t changed since farming in the 1940’s, families still work together as they struggle against odds. Jenny has done a lovely job of presenting Priscilla in a real and believable way.”

Book four, “Beatrice”, will be released on April 9th. I loved writing this story which took me into 1950 to do my research. Much of it was from the memories of my mother’s recollection of those years. I hope each of you will enjoy the story of Beatrice.

My March Photographs

Early Spring

Still there’s a slice of ice
encasing the marsh as glass;
stiff, sharp becomes a screen
protecting you from prey.
Visions of rich, dense duck weed
and brown, earthy tuffs of
marsh grass huddle 
waiting for cloudless sky.
But morning chill tells
another story of early spring.

Buried deep you rest. With scent
of spring playing games of
hide and seek; you find no 
aroma of wild rose only unscented 
seeds from brown, barefaced 
bundled of reeds and cat-tails 
spinning, dancing atop silvery
layer of ice; your roof-top sky light.
Your throaty call echoes beneath;
stiff in the icy entrapment.

Yet, this is your woodland nest 
here life and death linger in stiff pools
of decaying waters rich with microscopic
bacteria; so minuscule even your bulgy
protruding eyes unable to find them.
Your passion overriding all, your 
mission drives you forward as your
need to seek a mate becomes all;
this is why you were created and it
consumes your very existence.

A warning, when the ice melts
cranes and geese are waiting 
to have you as a tasty meal.
Sing quickly, call out rhythmic
chips, chatter and chants;
for somewhere she waits past
all still danger to dance awhile as 
it has been written in the book
of “Spring Peepers Logs of Love”;
for now the image in ice is only you!

These all wait for You, That You may give them their food in due season.You give them they gather in; You open Your hand, they are filled with good. You hide Your face, they are troubled; You take away their breath, they die and return to their dust.

Psalm 104:27-29

March Newsletter: Patti Wolf Scribbling Spiritual Sand

Pre-order your ebook copy of Beatrice today! Release date is set for April 9. Beatrice is the 4th book in The Apron Strings Book Series Readers Group (this link will take you to our group). Once there you will find wonderful posts regarding the time period between 1920-2020, 11 sweet stories, by 11 different authors, covering 11 decades. The third book Priscilla will be available on March 15. Happy reading ☺️.

The Redwing

Pilot of my pond’s prosperity returned
to sternly protect crazy cattail marsh;
red-winged guides, no leaf unturned.

Resident of wetlands where insects perch,
a wealth of chatter in mushy, mucky marsh;
a serene sheltered stead, a type of church.

Model of formal wearing, jet black coat
attracting ladies in drab brown brittle marsh
your scarlet feather flash, gigolo afloat.

Consumer of winged delights of butterflies,
delicate damselflies scattered in marsh
and conscientious chaser of dragonflies.

Singer of wetland, your call classic sound
calling, ever calling in my cattail marsh
songs of ‘conk-la-ree’ is secretly found.

My redwings have once again returned! What’s in your backyard?

This was something new I learned regarding the male redwing blackbird…

  • they defend territories in which as many as 15 females (mainly brown) establish nesting areas.
  • Most male territories contain about 5 females.
  • Females mate mostly with the male in whose territory they live, but will also mate with other males.

In 1950, Beatrice would have been preparing for the season of Lent, a forty-day period of fasting before the celebration of Easter. That year Easter Sunday was on April 9, which is the day (this year) that my book “Beatrice” will be released. As we start our own Easter season, I would like to share some Polish traditions and recipes reflecting Beatrice’s traditions as we approach my release date.

For this week, we will take a look at Ash Wednesday. It is named after the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of faithful (usually by a priest) as a reminder of human mortality and repentance to God. Ash Wednesday is observed by Catholics, Anglicans, many Lutherans and Methodists.

In 1950, Ash Wednesday occurred on February 22. Beatrice would have contemplated what type of fast she would attempt during the season of Lent. Having gotten comfortable in her mama’s kitchen, I doubt she would sacrificed her sweets. Sweets are commonly put aside until Easter Sunday for many who decide to fast.

The Tuesday before Ash Wednesday is a Polish celebration called Paczki Tuesday or Strove Tuesday. This Polish tradition is one in which many indulge in eating fried doughnuts (paczki) filled with jams, custards or other sweet surprises. Strove Tuesday can be traced back to the Middle Ages.

Paczki is pronounced, PUNCH-kee or POONCH-key or POOCH-key, and is a round Polish doughnut filled with fruit and then coated in sugar or icing. The dough is richer than the typical American filled doughnut. The most traditional Polish filling is one of dates. Beatrice uses dates in many of her recipes. Dates were used in savory and sweet dishes.

Mr. Rewolinski, the local Polish baker, is known in Beatrice’s world of 1950 as the the best paczki maker in their community. If you were able to visit his shop what favorite paczki would you purchase? Could you eat only one?

The Date Filling

  • 8 ounces pitted dates, chopped
  • 1/3 cups granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoons flour
  • 1 cups water

To Prepare the Filling

  1. Chop the dates with a sharp knife or kitchen shears and place in the bowl of a food processor. Add one tablespoon of flour to help keep the dates from sticking to the blades of the chopper.
  2. Place the chopped dates and flour (from the food processor) in a 2-quart saucepan. Add the sugar and water, stir to combine.
  3. Heat the mixture over medium heat and cook until thick, about 15 minutes. Set aside to cool to room temperature. Refrigerator your filling. Can be used as a jam.

Happy Strove Tuesday 1950 style!

I hope you can join me in this Community Event coming on March 8th. I will have a book table available for those purchasing locally at this event. My recently released book “Abigail’s 40 Days will be available. One dollar from each book sale will go to Operation Christmas Child shoe box shipping. Meet the author, and Alexis Ann inspiration to the “Alexis Ann’s Amazing Adventures” series, as we support OCC shoe boxes going around the world!

The Second Book in the Apron Strings Series released in February (available on Amazon)

Here are three of my five grandsons ice fishing in northern Wisconsin just a few weeks ago. After having weather in the 50’s, and 68 yesterday, the lake are beginning to open up. There are Sandhill Cranes, Canadian Geese and a few Redwing Blackbirds in my marsh. We are thrilled with a preview to a Wisconsin spring, but know there’s more winter in store for us. This morning it’s dropping down to 15! I think I’ll make some hot chocolate.

Winter Sunset

Trees stood still
as the sky whispered.;
shadowy silhouettes
salute fading day.

Even roots buried
under layers of snow,
deep in frozen earth,
aware of the Creator.

Trees stood still
under a blazing sky.
As if on fire, the heaven
declares day’s farewell.

Shall our thanks
be tucked in layers
of worldly wares,
or praises to God?

Trees stood still
knowing day is done,
straight and steady,
seen from sky above.

P. Wolf

“The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.”
Psalms 19:1

Available on Amazon

That time has finally come. Seven decades have passed in the wink of an eye. What join I’ve had in serving the Lord Jesus for 42 years! It takes my breath away. Each of you are special in the sight of God.

From pup and I, have a great day💕

Quilt Prompt 15.4

I used the hourglass prompt in a few ways. The moon’s reflection off the water and my topstitching around the hourglass shape.

Project Quilting 15:3 “Inside My Umbrella Outside

I’m stuck inside today missing all the outside activities because I have the flu. To make the best of my circumstances I decided to undertake the challenge of this weeks prompt of “Inside, Out” over at “Project Quilting”.

I included some sewing techniques for this challenge from the prompt: rough edges of the fabric on the bottom of the umbrella. Rough edges are most often sewn on the inside of a quilt piece. There is some surging on the girl’s raincoat. Again an element usually seen on the inside of a project.

The little girl has her toes inside of her rain boots which have little hearts on to reflect Valentine’s Day just around the corner. She is also inside her umbrella protected from the rain. Yet, she is outside in the rain. Those viewing this quilt piece will notice that there’s an inside window pane looking outside.

Fun project when one is stuck inside watching life go by outside 💕

February Newsletter Scribbling Spiritual Sand

Available on Amazon

I’m so excited about this “5 Star Review”! Release date is this Friday, February 9th, and a tribute to my mom (1916-2000, her date of birth) who urged me to slow down and smell the roses. That is where my creativity, as a writer, began.

Miss you, Mama.

  • Readers’ Favorite Review

“Driven by emotionally charged scenes, Abigail’s 40 Days is a moving story that held my attention from the first page. Abigail is a wonderfully crafted character whom many readers will love. Her struggles with faith, loss, and grief and the lessons she discovers on her journey are still relevant and practical today. Wolf manages to bring scriptures to life and explore a familiar time in history in new and fascinating ways. Other characters are engaging and offer answers to Abigail’s questions while supporting her during her mission. Abigail’s 40 Days by Patti Wolf is a realistic and hopeful portrait of faith, healing, and growth amidst chaos. From its captivating start to its rewarding ending, the novel is a great and inspiring read.”

Winter Sunset

Trees stood still
as the sky whispered.;
shadowy silhouettes
salute fading day.

Even roots buried
under layers of snow,
deep in frozen earth,
aware of the Creator.

Trees stood still
under a blazing sky.
As if on fire, the heaven
declares day’s farewell.

Shall our thanks
be tucked in layers
of worldly wares,
or praises to God?

Trees stood still
knowing day is done,
straight and steady,
seen from sky above.

P. Wolf

“The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.”
Psalms 19:1

Welcome February

I hear the chatter of train wheels
upon a wooden distant track,
moaning in the morning light.

Patchy fog, rolls in across the land.
A few stray geese honk their way south;
they are unaware that it’s February 1.

Crows craw, craw, craw in chilled air
while traffic somewhere whizzes by.
It’s here I find myself wondering

at a golden early sunrise atop tree
curious, will this be an early spring?
But I am cautious, I know better!

Soon 70 years of mid winters will pass,
snows will fall again, geese will hide;
but the sun will continue rising earlier…

until the last of snow in early April.

P. Wolf

Quilt Project 15.1

The Project

This week, I’d like you to be inspired by the myriad places a bird calls “home.” As always, this can be interpreted many ways: birdhouses, nests, birdcages, and trees could all apply – and you may take this theme anywhere else your imagination roams! If you can explain the connection

Winter Birdhouse

My Narnia World

It’s been snowing in Wisconsin on and off all week, but since this morning we’ve gotten about 8 inches with another 5-6 inches! In light of our snow day I was inspired to add a bit of winter to my project.

Boughs gather for lunch

eating dollops of sweet snow,

an icy gala!

Owl’s Poetry

Against winter sky:

dark, empty, still…

all is nearly nigh.

Lonely hoot begins

stirs silence shrill

silence spins.

Then the night

slowly reverberates

stillness to light.

Twilight shrills;

hooot, hoot, hoot

melts the chills.

Owls sing, slip,

steal, sink words

pages to keep.

Today at d’Verse, Dora shared with us the angst some poets experience when looking at the blank page. She asked us to write our poem using an animal metaphor for how words are expressed on a blank page. I chose the wren.

I liked her quote from Annie Proulx which said:

“You should write because you love the shape of stories and sentences and the creation of different words on a page.”

Join us at:

Welcome January 2024 Monthly Newsletter

“I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.” Psalm 40:1

There are so many things in our daily lives which are difficult to wait for. Talk to God today and let Him know what is bothering you. God hears the prayers of those who love Him.

“You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

What do you love? Can God be included in the things you love?

Is what makes you who you are, the part that will be left after the body decays, focused on growing spiritual? Can you read just one verse from the Bible a day and think about what God is saying?

Are you weary? Do you know what foods nourish your body? Do you take care of the flesh God has given to you? Try taking a walk and talk with God.

Just one day to get to love God better💕

“Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, And He shall hear my voice.”
Psalm 55:17

Winter’s Song

Down dark dewing lane,
as December settles
like the down of a thistle,
a misty moon lurks low
playing shadow games
on latticed bare branches.

A whisper of winter’s
snows stirs in stranger
places far from my path.
In inky starlit, twinkling
night; a distant muffled
cry calls barely audible.

I stop, pull my knit hat
atop my head upwards
listening to night sounds;
waiting for what I image,
hoping there’s no foolery
about this tepid evening.

Minutes melt to
seconds and then;
a return uttered hoot
crisp, clear, cutting
and now closer to my
waiting ears, I smile.

It’s a true love song
of two Great Horned
Owls longing to mate
high in the tallest pine;
soon pale and plain eggs
will huddle in frothy feathers.

P. Wolf

“The voice of my beloved! Behold, he comes Leaping upon the mountains, Skipping upon the hills.”

Song of Solomon 2:8

A brown barn stands still,
as ancient, yearning years pass;
in wild winter woods.

P. Wolf

A Flickering Flame

Wood smoke lingers in frigid air,
it kindles the senses, warms my soul
strolling chilled country road fare.

Chickadees softly huddled in trees;
warming themself as wisps of clouds
vail winter morn’s bitter breeze.

Yet, I ponder days so long gone
of many misty memories made
from rising eternal, early dawns.

Did warm bonfires flicker and fill;
smoke stirring the senses of Magi
who wearily traveled down hills?

Did blazing fires dance long,
as Shepherds kept a watch
before angelic being’s song?

Did kindled fires fill crowded
streets of Bethlehem that night
before the world could bow;

to new born King in manger bed
who humbled Himself that day,
as the ancient prophecies said.

I ponder that first Christmas day
did they know a babe would be…
the Savior who slept in holy hay?

Still… smoke seeps in frigid air,
stirs the senses, warms my soul;
as I saunter slowly in prayer.

P. Wolf

“For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” Luke 2:11

2023 Journey with Grandkids