Dirge for a Tree


my camera’s lens captures unusual qualities
scoured by flood and drought’s full vengeance
a hundred trees, precious trees, now stand dying

lush woodland slipped away, no longer speaks is dying
why is it the present holds hand with faults of past qualities
ripping with revenge, pouring payback and venting vengeance?

wind whipping loose bark from trunk with vengeance
brittle branches breaking, crackling under foot still dying
is tree’s charm mislaid or making way for new emerging qualities?

my eye captures new qualities
with vengeance,
no longer dying


Written in Tritinas Form (a,b,c…c,a,b…b,c,a…abc) in reflection to finding beauty in dieing tree and photographing them. Inspired by Emma’s dirge to Summer’s end. Linking up at dVerse.


  1. Sean Michael says:

    I like how you finish this poem. Very Cool.


  2. kanzensakura says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. How beautifully you wrote of the dying tree and the thoughts of him. Yet, the ending is a kind of victory. In spite of it all, he will still continue to enrich lives.


  3. C.C. says:

    The multiple uses of alliteration here are very effective in this sentence: “ripping with revenge, pouring payback and venting vengeance”–gives it a magnificence!


  4. The roots of death spring forth life..
    in darkest forests.. of fire
    burnt life.. and Hurricanes
    do the same.. an ageless
    oak tumbles to ground..
    but from stump comes
    a tree of life
    never seen
    i never
    trim it
    or pull up
    life surrounding..
    and now it sings
    life.. like no
    other tree


  5. Grace Black says:

    Quite moving. Nature speaks to us and for us in many ways. Lovely words here.


  6. Abhra says:

    Though it makes me sad – I felt encouraged by a very strong and prominent ending. Well done.


  7. Grace says:

    I admire the form and message as well ~ Condolences to your family ~ The metaphor of the dying tree is very strong ~


  8. This make me so sad. We just had to have two trees removed that died because of the drought. Heartbreaking. So important to focus on what is still living, to nurture it. Hubby’s doing very well–thanks for asking.


  9. Alex Dissing says:

    Lovely images! You executed this form very well.


  10. Sumana Roy says:

    form, content and the photo, all eye capturing….


  11. billgncs says:

    the ultimate sadness is when only the picture remains


  12. Mary says:

    I like the comparison of what the camera lens sees to what the eye’s lens sees.


  13. Prajakta says:

    You have used the dying tree very well here. May his soul rest in peace. The form you used somehow made the flow more gentle.


  14. claudia says:

    death gives way to new life of a different sort and new quality
    it is tough though to let go even if we know this


  15. I love a good dirge. I actually love the word “dirge” even, so you had me at the title. Your ending is wonderful. Peace, Linda


  16. Sanaa Rizvi says:

    What a fantastic form!


  17. Glenn Buttkus says:

    I love to see a seedling growing out of a burned stump, but likewise it saddens me to see Nature as killer, mauler, even rapist–as we see enough of that in the forests done by our own hand. Tritina is a new form to me; perhaps it will show up one day on dVerse’s MTB, Couple of spelling typos; title Dirge not Derge, explication, dying not dieing.


  18. X says:

    Death can be beautiful as it gives way to new life.
    I guess drought and flooding are a part of their life though,
    like fire that burns making way for new growth,
    but still it is sad too


    1. X says:

      I did not realize this was about your brother in law.
      wow, with what he has left, I wishhim peace
      in this life. You and he have my prayers.


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